Hack the Box – Meow (Very Easy)


I’m provided with the machine IP, and a clue from the lab description that Telnet will be used. Additionally given this is ‘Very Easy’ difficulty, it should test very basic knowledge and be pretty straightforward.

I start off with a simple nmap scan, revealing telnet running on port 23.

Next, I telnet in and greeted with login prompts. I have no clues yet on what it could be, so it’s time to start guessing the common ones. Just for kicks I start off with Meow, the name of this lab.

When that fails I try it again all lowercase before proceeding onto other possibilities. ‘admin’ and ‘guest’ fail, but my next attempt ‘root’ gets me right in!

I typically start with ‘whoami’ and ‘pwd’ to get my bearings, but decide to dive right in and get a list of files and directories with ‘ls’. I immediately see the flag.txt and echo it out.

We have a winner!

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